Thursday, 30 September 2010

Preliminary Poster Analysis 1

The posters title 'Feast of Love' is all we need to guess the genre of the movie, that being a romance. We may say that it is not a RomCom from the images being displayed, the characters do seem to be in a state of bliss but with no hint of comdeic tendancies and from the title in which the word 'Feast' ellicits a deep emotion. Thus we can come to the conclusion that this will be a dramatic representation of different levels of love. This we can say from the layout of the poster, as each character and couple are on a different level in a horizontal way and from the tag line 'A story for anyone with an appetite for love' highlighting, this idea of different love stories. In the last image of the characters, we can see that they are in a coffee shop, this is accentutated with the tiny cup of coffee placed at the bottom of the poster next to the title. This tells the audience that coffee may be a central theme or device to the story. The casts is not lacking in stars, for Morgan Freeman's picture takes the centre stage at the top of the poster however their names are found in a rather small font right under their pictures. This leads me to believe that cast stars is not how the marketing team wants to sell their movie.

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